Fresh & Cool ensures its products will go from farm to shelf within 24 hours. An undisturbed refrigeration cycle with tightly controlled temperatures (4-6 ° C), is applied at every stage of the production -- sorting, cutting, washing, packaging, storage, and transportation. To further ensure freshness, Fresh & Cool salads are packaged in special film type bags, which allow the vegetables to maintain freshness for an extended period without the use of preservatives. Furthermore, the see-through packaging material allows you to inspect the content; please, feel free to do so. An essential for optimal freshness is that salads should stay in a 4-6°C degree “cold chain” at all times until serving. Thus ,we recommend to all our partners to strictly abide by this standard refrigerator cycle, and our consumer friends to inspect the salad in the supermarket, before you buy it.

No. Fresh & Cool salads are pure natural products. The standard refrigeration cycle (4-6 ° C) followed by Fresh & Cool at every stage of production and the special type of packaging allow the fruits and vegetables to remain fresh, and cool, without any additives, until they reach your plate.

Placeholder content for this accordion, After you open a bag, keep any salad you don’t use in it and eat it within a couple of days for optimum freshness. To store the salad appropriately, push excess air out of the bag, before reclosing it with a rubber strap or kitchen lanyard, and put it immediately in the refrigerator.
Every Freskoulis bag always displays the expiration date which confirms the guaranteed freshness of the products. However, the life cycle depends entirely on the correct maintenance of storage temperature, which is 4-6°C.
They are completely safe, produced in a clean and ultra-modern environment, and certified which means that strict quality controls follow each one of the production stages - sorting, washing, packaging, weighing, storing, distribution.
You don’t need to wash it. All fruit and vegetables used in Fresh & Cool fresh salads are thoroughly washed in 4 phases with tap water.

Our brand deals exclusively with the creation of salads and healthy meals from fresh vegetables and fruits.

In addition, it has the largest range of products of stable and guaranteed quality, which is constantly being enriched